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Idaho Fish and Game

Idaho Fish and Game to Set Priorities

LEWISTON - What would you like the Department of Fish and Game to accomplish in the next 15 years? The Department invites citizens to help answer that question at a series of public workshops to be held around the state in March and April. The first of these participative workshops will be held in Lewiston on Saturday, March 1, 2003. Participants will help develop goals and set priorities for the Department. Those wishing to participate must call the Lewiston Regional office at 208-799-5010 to receive a registration packet and information about the daylong event. Pre-registration is required because space is limited, so call early if you want to be involved. "The Fish and Game Commission wants to know what Idahoans think are the most important things the Department should accomplish in the next 15 years," said Fish and Game Director Steve Huffaker. "We need the public's help, and the input we receive at these workshops will help direct Idaho's fish and wildlife management for the future and form the backbone of our strategic plan." The Department has surveyed over 7,700 of Idaho's citizens and held a series of 35 focus group meetings involving some 400 people over the past year to identify the major issues facing Idaho's fish and wildlife. This information has been distilled into 11 major issues facing Idaho's fish and wildlife and touch on everything the Department does. The 11 issues are: Fish and Game for Fishing and Hunting; Fish and Wildlife Disease; Idaho's Threatened and Endangered, At Risk and Nongame Species; Fish and Wildlife Habitat; Public Support for Fish- and Wildlife-Based Recreation; Communication with the Public; Involving IDFG Stakeholders; Access for Fish- and Wildlife-Based Recreation; Diverse Fish- and Wildlife-Based Recreation; Funding; Collaboration. Registration materials provide more detailed information on the issues, the workshop and what the participants will do. Registration cards are included in the materials and must be mailed in to reserve a spot.