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Idaho Fish and Game

Ice Anglers Beware - Ice Can Be Deceptive

LEWISTON -- With many ice anglers venturing out on area frozen lakes and reservoirs, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game reminds them that ice can be deceptive, and the popular cold weather sport demands a few safety precautions. "Just because a reservoir is frozen doesn't mean the ice is safe," said Regional Fisheries Manager Ed Schriever. "Even if ice is a foot thick in one area, it can be one inch thick a few yards away." According to Schriever, ice can change with the surrounding conditions. Temperature, precipitation, wind speed, ice age, water depth and even water quality are all factors that affect ice strength and thickness. To help all winter recreationists, IDFG provides the following ice safety precautions:
  • Never check ice or rescue a victim alone. Keep a good distance apart as you walk out.
  • As a rule of thumb, 6 inches of clear, solid ice is usually safe for ice fishing. Snowmobiles or ATV enthusiasts need a minimum of 8 inches of ice.
  • When ice is snow covered, great precautions need to be taken to determine ice thickness before starting any activity. Snow can also hide cracked, weak and open water areas.
  • Slush indicates that ice is no longer freezing from the bottom. Slush also indicates weak or deteriorated ice.
  • Always wear a lifejacket or float coat, which can provide excellent floatation and protection from the cold.
  • Carry a pair of homemade ice picks that can be used to pull you up on the ice in case of an accident. Two short lengths of broom handle or dowel with sharpened nails in one end and joined with a rope can be easily carried in a pocket.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages. The use of alcohol increases your chances for hypothermia and impairs your judgment.