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Idaho Fish and Game

Hunting Seasons Still Open

Many big game hunting seasons have ended, but there's still plenty of hunting open through the end of the month and through the winter. Seasons are open for most geese, ducks, coots and common snipe through January 15 in the northern and eastern parts of the state and through January 22 in the southwest. In addition, a two-part season for snow and Ross' geese runs from October 23 through January 15 and February 20 through March 10 in the Southeast Region and a portion of the Magic Valley Region; from October 30 through January 22 and from February 20 through March 10, 2010, in the Southwest and the majority of the Magic Valley regions. The season re-opened for canvasbacks in 2009 with a one-bird limit. In the uplands, the seasons remain open on forest grouse and on pheasants in the northern and western part of the state through December 31. The pheasant and quail seasons are closed in the eastern part of the state. Bobwhite and California quail season remains open through January 31 in the western and northern parts of the state. The seasons on chukar and gray partridge remain open through January 31. As for rabbits, the season on cottontails is open through February 28 and on snowshoe hares through March 31. Jackrabbits are considered predators under Idaho law and hunting is unregulated, but hunters still must have a valid hunting license and follow general rules for hunting and the use of firearms. Falconry is open from the close of firearm seasons through March 15 for upland game birds species and January 31 for crows. The falconry season on migratory game birds is the same as the federal seasons. Mountain lion seasons are open through the winter in much of the state. Mountain lion seasons are open through March 31 in all but units 1 - 9. In units 20A, 26, 27, the take season stays open through April 30, and units 41 and 42 stay open through June 30, 2010. A valid 2010 hunting license will be required on January 1. Licenses are available at vendors. Check Fish and Game rules for exact seasons in your favorite hunting unit. Rules, seasons and limits also are available on the agency's Web site at