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Idaho Fish and Game

Hunters Urged to Obtain Boundary Maps When Hunting Near State Parks

LEWISTON - With several historical parks located throughout the area, hunters planning on pursuing game near them are encouraged to obtain boundary maps to ensure they remain on the right side of the law. Hunting is prohibited on several area historical parks, including the Nez Perce National Historical Park at Spalding, Heart-of-the-Monster in Kamiah and the Whitebird Battlefield north of Riggins. Park officials have expressed concerns to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game about re-occurring problems with persons hunting on park property. Because of the irregular shapes and sizes of the parks, the posting of boundaries with signs has been difficult. Additionally, vandals tear down many of the signs shortly after placement. Regardless of whether signs are present, hunters may be cited for hunting on Park Service property. Boundary maps for each park can be obtained at the Spalding Visitor Center north of Lapwai.