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Idaho Fish and Game

black bear in Fall brush October 2009

Hunters need to be aware of changes to black bear seasons in Weiser, Council area units


Here's what you need to know about the new general season opportunity and changes to controlled hunts for bears

Bear hunting season is nearly here, and there are some major changes to the black bear seasons in the Weiser and Council areas, including Units 22, 31, 32, and 32A, that Fish and Game wants to remind hunters about.

When the Fish and Game Commission approved the 2021-22 big game seasons back in March 2021, Units 22, 31, and 32A were changed from a strictly controlled hunt bear harvest framework to one that also allows some general season opportunity near private land. Popular controlled hunts remain in place in Units 22, 31, 32 and 32A, with some changes to tag levels and adjustments to controlled hunt areas and allowable methods of take.

These changes were proposed in order to meet the goal of reducing or eliminating private land and human conflict caused by bears, while maintaining healthy and viable bear populations in areas where they are not causing problems.

Below is a quick summary of the changes of which black bear hunters in the area should be aware, but anyone who is planning on participating in the general hunt or controlled hunts in these units needs to take a close look the 2021 Idaho Big Game Seasons and Rules Brochure before heading out. Black bear hunting rules and seasons can be found on pages 71-76.

General season hunters

This fall is the first under the new harvest framework in which general season hunting is allowed on or within 1 mile of private land. The general season in Units 22, 31, and 32A runs from Aug. 30 through Oct. 31, with baiting allowed throughout the season. There is no general season in Unit 32. The use of hounds is allowed from Aug. 30 to Sept. 15, and prohibited from Sept. 15 through Oct. 31.  

General season hunters must be very aware of where they are in relation to private land. General season harvest opportunity on public land is limited to within 1 mile of private land. Harvesting a bear more than 1 mile outside of private land is prohibited. General season hound hunters can only run dogs for bears on or within 1 mile of private property. If a hunter’s dogs begin a chase within 1 mile of private land but continue past that 1 mile buffer, that bear cannot be legally harvested. For those general season hunters who plan to hunt over bait, bait sites must be located on or within 1 mile of private land.

Hunters are required to have written permission or other lawful permission to enter private property. Allowing dogs to enter or pursue bears across private property without the landowner’s permission may be considered a form of criminal trespass by the landowner.

Controlled hunt tag holders

Hunters who are familiar with the controlled black bear hunts in the Weiser and Council area need to be aware that their hunting experience will be different this year. Again, they should take a close look at pages 75-76 the 2021 Idaho Big Game Seasons and Rules Brochure and take note of adjustments to hunt areas and allowable methods of take, as well as changes in tag levels, before heading into the field.

With the changes in controlled hunt tag levels and the new general season hunt, controlled hunt tag holders in these units should expect to see more bear hunters in the field. That will be particularly true if they are hunting within 1 mile of private land, where they are likely to encounter general season bear hunters. Controlled Hunt Area 32-2 (that portion of Unit 32 south of Highway 52 and west of the Sweet-Ola Highway) is now an unlimited controlled hunt and will also see higher hunter numbers.

Also new this year, baiting is allowed during fall controlled hunts for areas 22-1, 32-1, and 32-2, including all public land within the controlled hunt areas. Hound hunters with controlled hunt tags should also note that the dates during which dogs are prohibited now begin earlier in the controlled hunt seasons (Sept. 15).