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Idaho Fish and Game

Hunter Education Goes Online

Idaho Fish and Game now offers the opportunity to take hunter education online, one of a handful of agencies in the country to do so. Before a hunting license is issued, Idahoans born January 1, 1975 or later must complete hunter education. Idaho's geography makes it difficult for some to attend the typical 20 hours of formal classes required for instructor-led hunter education, so Steve Huffaker, Director of Fish and Game, decided to offer the chance to take hunter education over the Internet. The program went online April 26. State Hunter Education Program Coordinator Ron Fritz said he is happy to be able to make the program more accessible for some Idahoans, but he noted that the online course "should not be regarded as an easier way to pass, and it is not for everyone." He noted that the course is designed for self-motivated students with some firearms experience. For that reason Fritz recommends the online course only for students 14 or older. He also recommends students contemplating taking the course complete the Pre-Test prior to attempting the course as it will give them an indication of whether or not the course is a suitable option for them. The online course requires a $15 testing fee for the final course Pre-Certification Exam that is not charged for the traditional course. The testing fee goes to the contract administrator of the program rather than Fish and Game. There is no charge for the Pre-Test, the on-line course, or the Practice Test. The usual $8 materials fee is also charged when the online student attends the mandatory field day before final certification is granted. The online course information can be found at