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Idaho Fish and Game

Hot Fourth for Salmon Fishing

Idaho anglers had a chance during their Independence Day holiday to indulge in another time-honored tradition-chinook fishing. Chinook began turning up in significant numbers in the South Fork of the Salmon River a few days before the Fourth. As of July 3, at least 300 salmon showed up at the Fish and Game trap on the South Fork, an indication of the beginning of the main run of fish. Even early in the run, the river drew lots of interest from anglers and many of them were catching fish by the holiday. That fishery is set to end August 3 but usually ends sooner as quotas are reached. Just prior to the holiday, salmon anglers on the Lower Clearwater River and on the North Fork of the Clearwater were catching fish at a rate of from three to five hours per fish. Pressure there was listed as "moderate" by Fish and Game biologists. The South Fork of the Clearwater attracted the heaviest angler activity in that region. Anglers were averaging 10 hours per fish there, a rate considered quite good for anadromous fish. Pressure was light and few fish were being taken on the Lochsa River and on the Clearwater at Kooskia.