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Idaho Fish and Game

Harvest Report Still Not Filed?

If you are one of several thousand big game hunters who still has not filed your mandatory hunter harvest report from last fall, it is past time to take care of this small, painless bit of paperwork. Hunters are required to send their reports within 10 days of harvesting an elk, deer or antelope or within 10 days of the end of the season for which the tag was valid. No new license will be issued until the mandatory report is filed. Those who have filed within the specified time period are eligible for entry in a drawing for 10 "Supertags" valid next fall. This special tag can be used in any open season for the selected species (winners must choose a species by May 1) until an animal is taken or the last season for that species closes. Weapons restrictions such as muzzleloader-only do apply to the Supertags. Mandatory report cards can be mailed to Hunter Harvest Reports, P.O. Box 70007, Boise, ID 83707. Internet reports may be filed under the hunting section of the Fish and Game website at Fish and Game needs the highest possible rate of compliance because the reports play a vital part in the sound management of big game herds. Solid information on the numbers of hunters and animals taken in hunting seasons is something game managers must have in order to monitor herds and set sound hunting seasons. Final recommendations for upcoming big game seasons are being prepared now for the Fish and Game Commission to consider before setting seasons this spring.