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Idaho Fish and Game

Grants Available

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game's Nongame Wildlife Program is pleased to announce that it will begin accepting grant proposals March 1 for the new Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Program (WCRP). Funding for this program is from a one-year federal appropriation to state fish and wildlife agencies "to address the unmet needs of a diverse array of wildlife and associated habitats, including species that are not hunted or fished, for wildlife conservation, wildlife conservation education, and wildlife-associated recreation projects." The department is interested in receiving project proposals from private individuals; schools, universities, and other educational institutions; non-government organizations; and local, state, tribal, and federal agencies that address the conservation needs of native birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles or fish. Projects must clearly benefit wildlife conservation and improve or enhance conservation-related education or recreation. Projects that generate revenue or involve land acquisition will not be accepted. A general example of suitable activities include projects that: benefit native species or groups of species and their habitats; lead to increased understanding by the public of native species, their habitat needs, or their management and conservation; provide educational opportunities to focus on native species, their needs, management or conservation; provide recreational opportunities to observe, enjoy or learn about native species through viewing, access or interpretive sites; provide data to determine status, distribution, or that develop conservation recommendations for native species via surveys, inventories, and monitoring activities; or lead to increased understanding of risk factors that may be presently limiting a native species or its habitat. Plants and invertebrates (including insects) are not eligible for this program. Grant applications will be accepted and evaluated on a quarterly basis. Deadlines are January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1. Projects must be completed by September 30, 2004. The nature of these federal funds requires that each project must provide 25 percent of the total project cost in matching funds, in-kind services or donations. While grant requests of up to $30,000 will be considered, awards will generally not exceed $10,000 per year. For program guidelines, proposal format, a list of priority species, and other information about the WCRP grant program and supplemental materials, contact Karla Russell, Nongame Grants Coordinator, at the Idaho Department of Fish and Game headquarters office in Boise. Visit the Idaho Department of Fish and Game website at: in mid-March for more information.