Grand Opening Set for Weiser Community Pond
After nearly two years of planning and construction, the Weiser Community Pond will soon be a reality.
A grand opening celebration and day of fishing at the new pond are scheduled from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, October 17. To reach the community pond, take State Highway 95 to Weiser; turn west on Commercial Street, then south on East 4th Street.
Anglers of all ages are invited to try their luck and no fishing license will be required during the special event. Coffee and hot cocoa will be served, and Fish and Game staff will have the "Take Me Fishing" trailer on site with loaner rods available.
The community pond is a cooperative project between the city of Weiser, Idaho Fish and Game, the Indianhead Fly Fishers, and several other groups. Locally owned Weiser Feed and Storage donated the land for the pond and adjacent nature trail.
Employees from the Weiser Natural Resource Conservation Service office helped design the pond and estimate costs, and Idaho Fish and Game helped with the planning and secured a $90,000 federal Sportfish Restoration grant to pay for pond excavation.
The Indianhead Fly Fishers, a local fly fishing club, raised thousands of dollars to help pay for pond aerators and perimeter fencing, and the local Elks Lodge is working on a wheelchair-accessible fishing pier at the pond.
"I can't say enough about the community enthusiasm and commitment everyone has shown for this project," Fish and Game fishery manager Jeff Dillon said. "The city had a vision for a place where kids could safely enjoy the outdoors just a short walk or bicycle ride from home. At the same time, the Fish and Game department was looking for opportunities to develop new fishing waters for kids and busy families. Then Weiser Feed and Storage came along with this incredibly generous donation, and the whole project started to take shape."
Just under two acres, the pond is 12 to 15 feet deep with a rocky shoreline and a gravel path around the perimeter. A wetland is on the west side of the pond, and the Weiser River flows past the south side of the property. The city is still working on the parking area, security lighting and other amenities, including a vault toilet that will be installed later this fall.
Fish and Game will stock the pond with trout in advance of the grand opening, and trout stocking will continue every few weeks this fall and next spring.
For more information regarding the grand opening of Weiser Community Pond, contact the city of Weiser at 208-414-1965 or Fish and Game's Nampa office at 208-465-8465.