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Idaho Fish and Game

Give a License

Licenses for a full year, or a lifetime, of fishing and hunting make a welcome gift, available from Fish and Game offices in the form of a gift certificate. Hunting and fishing licenses for the year 2004 go on sale December 1. The actual license can be purchased for your minor children but, for others, the gift must be in the form of a certificate because state law requires showing proof of residency. Hunters born January 1, 1975 or later must have completed hunter education and have a certification number before a hunting license will be issued. No changes in fees for licenses or tags are anticipated in 2004. All gift certificates must be redeemed at Fish and Game offices, not at private vendors. Lifetime licenses ensure against the potential of future rate increases and can be less expensive than annual licenses, depending on age. A lifetime license remains in effect even if the holder moves out of Idaho so that the licensee is treated as a resident in controlled hunt draws and tag quotas. (Tag prices may increase, however, and nonresidents who hold an Idaho lifetime license pay nonresident tag fees.) Lifetime licenses are available only to persons who are Idaho residents at the time of purchase. Many Idahoans prefer to buy licenses for the coming year before January 1 in order to avoid lines at Fish and Game offices or vendors.