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Idaho Fish and Game

Get Kids Hooked On Fishing By Emphasizing Fun

LEWISTON - - With many families heading out this weekend to enjoy the opening of the general fishing season, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game reminds adults that there are a number of things to keep in mind when taking youngsters fishing to make it a happy outing for everyone. "Be positive, make it fun and remember it's not just your fishing trip - it's theirs too," said Larry Barrett, Fisheries Biologist with IDFG in Lewiston. "Consider fishing with kids as an investment - do it right and pay-back time will come years later when they take you fishing." IDFG provides the following suggestions to help ensure the youngster's fishing trips isn't their last.
  • Pack a cooler with sandwiches, some cookies and water. Remember to take garbage bags to pack out your trash, and encourage the kids to pick up
  • The younger the child, the shorter the attention span. If the fish aren't biting, don't keep them chained to their fishing poles or held hostage in a boat. On shore, let them set the poles down and run around. If fishing from a boat and it's hot, reel in, double-check the kids' life preservers and toss them overboard for a swim.
  • Be patient. Accept that they may not keep quiet and they probably will get a few tangles. Keeping the outing short (under an hour for beginners) and ending on a cheerful note before anyone gets crabby will set you on course for cultivating a lifelong fishing buddy.
  • Simple Gear - Short poles and closed-face reels are good choices. A small tackle box with a few small hooks, a couple 1-inch bobbers and a few sinkers is all you need to get started.
  • If bait is used, encourage them to bait their own hooks. Let them practice with plastic worms. Eventually, they'll get used to the idea of doing it themselves.
  • Be sure to take sunscreen, a few Band-Aids and a fishing license if required. On occasion, well-meaning adults are cited for fishing without a license when they get caught using their youngster's fishing pole. If your child wants to take a break from fishing, make sure he or she reels in rather than abandons the pole to you. If your help is needed to cast or reel in, make sure you have your license with you, because you are now fishing. In addition, Idaho resident youth under 14 years of age do not need a fishing license. However, nonresident youth under 14 years of age must be accompanied by a holder of a valid fishing license and their fish must be included in the license holder's limit in order to fish without a license, or they can purchase a nonresident license and keep their own limit.