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Idaho Fish and Game

Fishing Season Begins May 29

Idaho fishing waters that are not open all year long will be open May 29, the beginning of the Memorial Day weekend. Most lakes and reservoirs as well as most larger rivers are open to fishing year- round in Idaho, but some smaller lakes and most streams are open from May 29 through November 30. Anglers should check the fishing rules brochure for the specific areas they intend to visit. Special rules may apply. For example, rules for certain trophy bass waters may not allow any bass to be kept until later in the season. Fishing rules can be found in the new fishing brochure, available wherever licenses are sold and on the Internet at Fishing licenses remain the same price as last year. The continuing effects of drought may be noticeable in parts of southern Idaho, particularly in the southeast. Even some larger streams such as the Blackfoot River and Big Lost River are showing severe effects of drought. Some smaller streams, particularly those flowing through landscapes with southern exposures, will dry up early in the season. Early season fishing may be unusually good, however, compared to years when runoff makes streams unfishable until mid-summer. Hatchery fish will not be planted in waters that are expected to be dry early. Some fishing areas may be planted only once if they are likely to be dry by summer. Waters expected to remain through the summer and fall will receive the rest of this year's hatchery plantings and may hold more fish than usual.