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Idaho Fish and Game

Fishing heats up with spring

JEROME - Fishing is great and people who haven't made it out are missing out. As ice continues to melt and the water warms fish are getting more active and hungry. "It's a great time of year," said Chuck Warren, Fish and Game Regional Fisheries Biologist. "Many fish haven't seen a spinner or a hook in the past four months and are getting pretty hungry. We have been getting a lot of good reports on area waters." According to recent angler surveys conducted the opening day at Oster Ponds, catch rates for rainbow trout were averaging about four fish per hour. "Traditionally this is one of the best times of year to fish for rainbows," said Warren. "There is little pressure on the lakes this time of year and the fish are generally pretty aggressive." "Lake fishing is normally the best in the spring. After the snowmelts and the streams and rivers clean up from early runoff they get better," he said. "But finding fish anytime of year is mostly about water conditions." Rainbows trout are currently the hottest fish going, but as temperatures continue to warm sturgeon, smallmouth bass and walleye should jump into the fray. "Sturgeon fishing is generally at its best in the spring and early summer," said Warren. "As water flows increased with the temperature the fish become more aggressive. People are fishing for them now, but catch rates are slow. We are expecting that to change pretty soon with the current warm temperatures." Other fish anglers need to keep a close eye on are the walleye and smallmouth bass. Both are a treat for the frying pan and to catch. For walleye, temperature and daylight hours push them into spawning mode. After a long winter on the bottom of the lake, walleye get much easier to catch as they move into the shallows to spawn. People have been hooking a few walleye already this spring at Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir, but things are expected to really get going in the next two weeks. Smallmouth bass are currently just waiting for the water to warm up. Once water temperature near 50-degrees small mouth should start biting at Milner, Salmon Falls Creek and Anderson Ranch reservoirs. There are also several small pockets of smallmouth throughout the Snake River and they should start biting by the first of next month. Fishing report: Salmon Falls Reservoir - Fishing has been great all winter at Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir and is continuing to be this spring. Fish are averaging 12 to 14 inches long. Nearly every type of bait or lure has been working for rainbows. Walleye fishing is expected to be picking up over the next few weeks as water temperature continue to increase and move closer to spawning season. Oster Lakes and Riley Creek Impoundment - Fishing opened the first of the month and has been going gangbusters. Most fish have been in the 10- to 12-inch range with a few fish hitting the 20-inch plus sizes. Fish are planted monthly, because of the number of anglers targeting the ponds. The remain ponds, Big Bend Ditch, Goose Ponds, Anderson Ponds, West Highway Pond and the Bass Pond will not open until July 1. Crystal Lake - Like many of the lakes in the region has been heavy stocked due to over-runs of fish from many of the commercial hatcheries in the region. Thousands of fish were recently transplanted to the small spring fed pond. Catch rates are good, with most fish averaging in the 10 to 12-inch size. Snake River - With low water flows, the Snake River continues to be a great place to fish. Some of the top places for rainbows include, the area near Niagara Springs, Bell Rapids, Upper Salmon Pool, Thousand Springs area and near the Perrine Bridge. Sturgeon fishing is also beginning to pick-up as the weather continues to warm. Dierkes Lake - Like most of the local ponds near Twin Falls, Deirkes Lake is expected to be fishing great this spring. Anglers reported great catch rates this winter and the area is still producing good trout in the 12- to 14-inch range. Between the donated fish from local commercial hatcheries and the fish the department stocks, angles should have a great spring season. Salmon Falls Creek - Waters have been stock at Salmon Falls Creek near Balanced Rock and fishing has been good. Ice Fishing - Ice still covers Magic and Little Wood reservoirs as of Friday, March 12, but it is expected to go fast. With warm temperatures angles need to be extra causes before heading across the ice to fish. After the ice leaves, it should continue to be good.