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Idaho Fish and Game

Fish Management Plan Comment Sought

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game's statewide Fisheries Management Plan is up for renewal this year, and the public is invited to help craft the plan that will chart fish management in Idaho from 2007 through 2012. The plan will outline various long-term strategies and objectives for programs, such as wild trout, hatchery trout and warm water fish. "The new plan will be the driving force for fish management in Idaho for the next six years," Fish and Game regional fisheries manager Jeff Dillon said. "We encourage anglers to review the current plan and provide us with their comments. This scoping period is a chance for citizens to bring their ideas forward regarding how the public's fisheries should be managed." Open house meetings to present the new plan and take public comment will be announced locally by regional Fish and Game offices. Copies of the current plan will be available for review at each of the upcoming open houses, and fisheries staff will be available to discuss new ideas. Anglers can also see the current plan and provide online comments via the department's website: Written comments can be submitted to Fish and Game at: Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Attn: Scott Grunder, P.O. Box 25, Boise, ID 83707.