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Idaho Fish and Game

Fish & Game, Idaho Power Will Fish for Sturgeon

Biologists from the Idaho Department of Fish and Game and Idaho Power will be fishing for sturgeon in portions of the Snake River mainstem from now until the middle of June. This fieldwork is an attempt to determine the current status of white sturgeon in the uppermost sections of the river where they lived historically. The agencies will also evaluate the survival, growth and movements of hatchery raised sturgeon, which have been released into the river over the past 10 years. The survey work will be from Upper Salmon Dam, near Hagerman, upriver to Shoshone Falls. Four sections of this stretch will be sampled a total of five times each during the fieldwork. The methods used to catch these native fish, which may grow up to 10 feet or more, will be primarily set lines at random locations. There will also be some preselected set line locations, nets and actual fishing as time allows. All gear used in the project will be clearly marked with buoys. Fishing activities will be used primarily during the week, so as not to interfere with weekend boating and fishing recreation. Agency personnel will run jet boats on the Snake River to check set lines and process any fish that are caught. Regional Fishery Manager Fred Partridge commented, "We would really appreciate it if power boaters would stay away from the set line buoys and markers. It's possible to get a outboard prop really tangled up in one of the sets." Any questions or comments regarding sturgeon in the Snake River and this research project in particular, may contact Partridge at the Magic Valley Regional Office in Jerome.