Fish and Game Working on Waterfowl Seasons
The Idaho Fish and Game Commission will consider proposed waterfowl seasons and limits during a meeting on August 24 at Headquarters.
Fish and Game officials plan regional meetings in early August to gather public comment on proposed waterfowl seasons.
Proposed seasons include 107-day goose seasons with a 10-bird daily bag limit on snow, blue and Ross's geese and a four-bird limit on Canada and white-fronted geese.
Proposed duck seasons, including mergansers, common snipe and American coot, would be 107 days, with a seven-bird limit on ducks, but no more than two female mallards, two redheads, two pintails, or one canvasback. The scaup season would be 86 days, with a daily bag limit of three, and possession limit of two times the daily bag limit. The daily bag limits on common snipe would be eight, and the limit on coots is 25.
Proposed season dates would fall between September 24 and January 29, 2012.
The youth waterfowl hunt is proposed for September 24-25.
Fish and Game is considering several options including a split season structure for the 2011-2012 waterfowl seasons. The specific season structure proposals and an opportunity to provide comments will be available on the Fish and Game website later this week at:
Hunter comments collected from across the state will be summarized and presented to the commission, which will set the final waterfowl seasons August 24.