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Idaho Fish and Game

Fish and Game Seeks Information on Elk Poaching

OROFINO - On or about Monday, March 7, two cow elk were poached on the North Fork of the Clearwater River above Washington Creek Campground, just downstream from Cave Creek. The two elk were transported to an area near the Bungalow, where they were field-dressed and hauled away. If you have any information regarding the possession or taking of these two elk, or if you happened to have been in that area on March 7th and witnessed any suspicious activity, please contact the Citizens Against Poaching Hotline at 1-800-632-5999, the Clearwater Region Fish & Game Office at 208-799-5010 or your local conservation officer. Rewards are offered for any information leading to a citation or the arrest of the violators. These two female elk were part of the reproducing portion of our struggling elk herd and they were stolen from citizens of Idaho.