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Idaho Fish and Game

Fish and Game seek public comment for upland game bird, trapping seasons

JEROME - The Idaho Department of Fish and Game will be taking public comment on the 2004- 2005 and the 2005 -2006 upland game bird and furbearer regulations April 8, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., at the Jerome regional office, 868 E. Main. Some of the issues, include: PHEASANTS - The Department proposes to make hunting hours begin statewide one half hour before sunrise. - Decreasing the limit on Wildlife Management Areas in southern Idaho from a three-rooster daily bag limit and six-rooster possession limit to a two-rooster daily bag limit and four-rooster possession limit. QUAIL - The Department proposes to extend the quail season across the southern part of the state. Changing the closing date from Dec. 31 to Jan. 31. CHUKAR/GRAY PARTRIDGE - Changing the closing date from Jan. 15 to Jan. 31. QUAIL, CHUKAR, GRAY PARTRIDGE, SAGE GROUSE AND SHARP-TAILED GROUSE - Provide the same opening date for all these game bird species, the Department proposes to open all the seasons on the fourth Saturday in September. Sharp-tailed grouse would continue to have a 30-day season, closing on Oct. 24, 2005, and Oct. 23, 2006. MOTORIZED VEHICLE RULE - Southwest, Magic Valley, Southeast, Upper Snake and Salmon region's currently have motorized vehicle rule that apply for big game hunting in the following big game hunting units; 29, 30, 30A, 32, 32A, 36A, 37A, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 59A, 66, 70, 72 (late season archery deer only), 73, 75, 77, 78. The Department proposes the motorized vehicle rule be applied to upland game hunting in the same units. BEAVER - Closures on beaver trapping in certain drainages in Unit 54, South Hills, to include; Rock Creek, Trapper Creek, Shoshone Creek and Goose Creek. MINK - Mink populations have declined at Hagerman WMA. The Department proposes to reduce the trapping season for mink at Hagerman WMA to maintain a sustainable harvest. MUSKRAT - Muskrat populations have declined at Hagerman WMA. The Department proposes to reduce the trapping season for muskrat at Hagerman WMA to maintain a sustainable harvest. DEFINITION of BAIT for TRAPPING - The Department is proposing to define bait for trapping purposes to read, "Bait is any animal parts less than one square inch in size; except feathers, bleached bones or liquid scent is not considered bait". METHODS of TAKE for TRAPPING - The Department proposes to make changes (given in bold) in the current methods of take for trapping. "No person trapping furbearing animals or predatory or unprotected wildlife shall: - use for bait or scent, any part of any game bird of domestic or wild origin, game animal, except for furbearers, game fish, or protected nongame wildlife. - use live animals as bait or an attractant. - use any dry land set within thirty (30) feet of any visible bait, except bleached bones of furbearers, unprotected wildlife, or predatory wildlife. - use a dirt hole set with bait unless the person ensures that the bait remains covered at all times to protect raptors and other meat-eating birds from being caught accidentally. For more information or to comment on the proposed changes, call the Magic Valley Regional Office at 324-4359.