During last week’s Idaho Fish and Game Commission annual meeting in Boise, House Resources and Conservation Committee Chairman Rep. Marcus Gibbs (R) Grace, returned two Idaho Fish and Game legislative proposals to the Fish and Game Commission.
Representative Gibbs informed commissioners that neither proposal will receive a committee print hearing, where the committee determines whether a proposal will be printed and numbered as a bill.
Chairman Gibbs cited concerns that the proposals did not sufficiently address wildlife depredation problems on private land or the process for landowner compensation.
One of the proposals returned was the Commission’s Price Lock revenue increase proposal. Under the proposal, resident fees on most license and tags would increase between $1 & $6. Idaho residents, who buy and maintain an annual license starting this year, would be able to exempt themselves from the increase by locking in at current prices.
The other proposal returned was intended to extend the timeframe for landowner compensation for damages to crops caused by antelope, elk, deer and moose. The proposal would have allowed compensation for damages that occurred up to 20 days prior notifying Fish and Game. Current law allows for payment for damages up to 10 days before Fish and Game is notified.
The Fish and Game Commission will evaluate whether alternative legislative proposals are viable this legislative session for keeping wildlife management on sound financial footing and for reducing landowner burdens from wildlife damage. The Commission recognizes the importance of ensuring sportsmen and agricultural interests continue to work together for successful wildlife conservation and management.