Each year, youth 17 years of age and younger that successfully complete an in-person hunter education class in the Magic Valley Region are invited to participate in a mentored youth pheasant hunt at the Niagara Springs Wildlife Management Area south of Wendell. Coincidentally, the mentored youth hunt is held on the first day of the youth-only pheasant season, which this year is October 1 – 7, 2022.

It's all smiles for Madison after harvesting her first ever pheasants
On a sunny Saturday morning, the young hunters had opportunities to learn shooting skills from volunteer 4-H shooting instructors and other experts in shooting skills. While at the shooting skills station, participants were able to hone their skills by shooting thrown clay targets.

Learning proper shooting technique is an critically important skill to learn

Young hunters have the opportunity to shoot at flying clay targets before starting their hunt
The highlight of the day is having the opportunity to hunt pheasants on the Wildlife Management Area under the guidance of a skilled mentor while having the opportunity to hunt over pointing hunting dogs. For the past several years, the High Desert Pointing Dogs Club has enthusiastically volunteered to bring their pointing dogs down to provide an opportunity for the young hunters to experience hunting with pointing dogs.

The High Desert Pointing Dog Club is a key group of volunteer mentors for new bird hunters

Lots of smiles in the Kelly family after a day hunting pheasants
Keeping Idaho’s hunting heritage
Idaho Fish and Game provides hunting education classes across the state. The Hunter Education class is required of anyone born after 1975 and is offered to students ages 9 and older. The course provides instruction on firearm handling and safety; hunting law and ethics; responsibilities towards landowners; hunting skills; wildlife identification; survival skills and first aid; and management and conservation. Classes can be completed either in-person or online.

The Cook family is helping to keep Idaho's hunting heritage alive
For more information contact the Magic Valley regional office at (208) 324-4359 or your local Fish and Game office.