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Idaho Fish and Game

Fish and Game Donates Game

Salmon region Fish and Game employees are often asked about what the Department does with game meat seized as part of an enforcement investigation. Or what happens to the steelhead and chinook salmon spawned at regional hatcheries. And those asking are frequently surprised to hear that a great deal of both game meat and fish are distributed to the needy by charitable organizations around the region. During 2004, a total of 5,322 hatchery steelhead and 2,143 hatchery chinook salmon were given away to a variety of charitable organizations across the Salmon region. In addition, approximately 3,200 pounds of game meat were donated to these same organizations. These groups included area food banks and social service offices in six different communities. Once these organizations receive the cut-and-wrapped meat, they then distribute it to those in need. This distribution not only benefits area residents but also insures that game meat illegally harvested is not wasted. Some violations also carry as part of the penalty, a processing fee which requires a poacher to pay the meat processing fees. As a result, the charitable organizations distributing the game meat are spared the cost of meat processing. Donations of this nature are by no means limited to the Salmon region. Every Fish and Game region across the state participates in making donations. This year, approximately 45,000 pounds of game meat were donated to charitable organizations statewide by Fish and Game. This represents 300 deer, 112 elk, and 77 moose. Approximately 53 different organizations around the state received and distributed this meat. These organizations ranged from food banks to the Salvation Army to church groups. While Fish and Game staff wishes all animals would be harvested legally, they are glad that the meat from an illegal harvest will not be wasted but instead given to those in need.