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Idaho Fish and Game

Fish and Game Director Announces Retirement

Steven Huffaker announced Thursday, November 9, that he will retire as director of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game effective January 1. "It has been a great opportunity to serve as the director for the past five years and to have a wonderful career in Fish and Game for the past 37 years. I move on feeling very good that I have accomplished the goals in the department I set when I became the director. Morale in the department is good and we have great relationships with the Commission, Legislature, governor's office and the sportsmen," Huffaker said. "There is also a great leadership team in place and outstanding employees throughout the department." Huffaker was appointed director on February 13, 2002. During his tenure he oversaw the development of the Access Yes program, the Mule Deer Initiative and the Pheasant Initiative. He is the past chairman of the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee, past president of the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and is active on numerous committees for the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. When asked what he thought was his most important accomplishment as director, Huffaker said it was the "building of a great staff and hiring quality people with the right skills and abilities to make cooperative conservation work." He joined the Idaho Fish and Game Department in 1984 and served as the chief of the Fisheries Bureau from 1989 until 1997. Huffaker then served as the wildlife chief and assistant director from 1997 to 2002. He also worked for the Indiana Department of Natural Resources for 14 years and before that for the Iowa Conservation Commission. Commission Chairman Cameron Wheeler said that replacing Huffaker is a big task. "Steve took the reins of the department at a very difficult time. He changed the attitude of the employees in the department and re-established positive working relationships with sportsmen's groups and farmers and ranchers throughout the state. Speaking on behalf of the commission we appreciate the great job that Steve has done," Wheeler said. Wheeler said that a search for a new director would begin immediately. The Fish and Game director is appointed by the commission and serves as secretary to the commission and leader of the department. The department has 525 classified employees with a budget of $74 million funded by license and tag sales, federal and private grants, and contracts.