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Idaho Fish and Game

File Report After Hunt

Big game hunters help the cause of good game management when they file their mandatory harvest reports on time. Whether hunters succeeded in taking an animal or not, the reports provide important information that wildlife biologists need in managing herds and setting seasons. Timely filing by hunters helps in gathering and analyzing the information required before managers take their recommendations to the Fish and Game Commission in March. Rules require hunters to file their reports within 10 days of harvest or the end of the hunts for which their tags are valid. New hunting licenses will not be issued until the reports are filed and those who are late may be charged a $1.50 fee for filing when they buy their next license. Hunters can mail the report forms that came with their tags to Hunter Harvest Reports, P.O. Box 70007, Boise, ID 83707. The quick, slick way to file-and have immediate confirmation that the report went where it was supposed to go-is to file online at which can be found on the home page of the Fish and Game web site.