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Idaho Fish and Game

Fall Chinook Salmon Season Opens In September

The fall Chinook salmon season in the Snake and Clearwater rivers opens September 1. The seasons open September 1 and run until October 31 or until further notice in the Snake River from the Washington-Idaho border upstream to Hells Canyon Dam and in the Clearwater River from its mouth upstream to the Memorial Bridge. The Snake River is divided into four management sections:
  • From the Washington-Idaho border upstream to the U.S. Highway 12-Bridge Street Bridge - the Blue Bridge.
  • From the Bridge Street Bridge upstream to the Oregon-Washington border.
  • From the Oregon-Washington border upstream to the mouth of Sheep Creek.
  • From the Mouth of Sheep Creek up stream to Hells Canyon Dam.
The Clearwater River:
  • From its mouth upstream to the U.S. Highway 12 Memorial Bridge.
Salmon anglers may keep six adult fall Chinook daily. The field possession limit is 18 adult fall Chinook. There is no limit on the total number of adult fall Chinook an angler may keep during the fall season. An adult Chinook is 24 or more inches in total length, and only Chinook with a clipped adipose fin may be kept. The season is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There are no daily, possession or season limits on fall Chinook jacks, but only jacks with a clipped adipose fin may be kept. Anglers must have a valid permit to fish for salmon, but they are not required to record the jacks on their permits.