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Idaho Fish and Game

Expanded Clearwater Salmon Season Starts Saturday

Meeting in Lewiston April 24, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission approved an expanded chinook season for the Clearwater River. Boundaries for the expanded Clearwater fishery are the Kamiah Bridge, which crosses the river at 67.2 river miles, upstream to a posted boundary on the Middle Fork of the Clearwater River about one-quarter mile upstream of Clear Creek near Kooskia. This section of the Clearwater was not included when salmon seasons were set for this spring because the run headed to that part of the river appeared weak. The actual run coming over Lower Granite Dam into Idaho is exceeding earlier predictions and there now are adequate numbers of fish to allow fishing within the Kamiah-Kooskia section. The season began April 26 and is set to end July 6, although it could be closed earlier for biological reasons such as failure of the run to reach expectations or meeting a harvest quota. Hours, limits, methods of take and special rules are the same as for the current season on the main Clearwater River and the North Fork Clearwater River. Anglers are allowed two fish per day, six in possession and 10 for the season statewide.