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Idaho Fish and Game

Exceptional Conditions Result In Early Opening

IDAHO FALLS- In what could be a precursor of things to come, resource management agencies in the Upper Snake Region have responded to unusually mild spring conditions by opening an additional portion of the Egin-Hamer Closure Area ahead of schedule. Rather than wait until May 1, biologists have opened that portion of the Sand Creek Desert north of the Egin-Hamer Road to the Taylor Well-Jenkins Well Road and west from the Red Road to the intersection of the Grassy Road with private farmland to human travel. According to Regional Conservation Officer John Hanson, "Part of the original agreement between the agencies and the counties was that some flexibility would exist if conditions warranted." According to Hanson, "Not only is the snow gone, but the deer have also moved on too." Normally, only the area south of the Egin-Hamer Road would have opened before May 1, but all parties involved agreed to this temporary exception. According to Hanson, "Next year we go back to the original opening dates and modify only if needed." The closure area is divided into two uneven segments. The smaller southern segment opened to human traffic on April 1, 2001. The remainder of the larger northern segment will stay closed to human traffic until May 1, 2001. It is important to note that even though the southern segment and this new portion of the northern section are open to human traffic, the restriction regarding the collection of shed antlers remains in effect through the end of April. May 1 marks the date that antler gathering can resume in those portions of the region covered by the restriction. In the Upper Snake Region this includes units 60, 60A, 66, 66A, 67, 68, 68A, and 69. Exact boundary descriptions are available at the BLM Office in Idaho Falls at 208-524-7445 or the IDFG Office at 208-525-7290.