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Idaho Fish and Game

Draft Sage Grouse Plan Released

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game has released a draft of a new state-wide sage grouse conservation plan for public review and comment. The plan is available at: Comments on the draft plan will be accepted until April 21. The "2006 Conservation Plan for the Greater Sage Grouse in Idaho" was produced in cooperation with state and federal agencies, American Indian tribes, private individuals, industry and conservation groups and representatives from Sage Grouse Local Working Groups. "The result is a detailed document that provides an excellent summary of what we currently know about sage grouse in Idaho, the threats facing sage grouse and their habitats, and a toolbox of conservation measures to address each of those threats." Fish and Game Director Steve Huffaker said. "Local plans are the first line of conservation for Idaho sage grouse." The new state plan is specifically designed to support local working groups in development of their plans and to promote the successful conservation of sage grouse and their habitats across Idaho, Huffaker said in a cover letter released along with the new plan. For the past decade, Fish and Game has worked to improve sage grouse management, coordinating with agencies, landowners, sportsman, nongovernmental groups, and others to develop local solutions conserving sage grouse populations and habitats in Idaho, he said. In 1997, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission approved the first statewide sage grouse plan. That plan divided the state into management areas and called for the formation of local working groups to develop local solutions for each management area. Seven local working groups are active and several others are beginning their work in Idaho. Between May 1999 and December 2003, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service received eight petitions to list as endangered or threatened, various populations of sage grouse. In April 2004, Fish and Wildlife launched a comprehensive range-wide status review. On January 7, 2005, the Fish and Wildlife Service found that listing was not warranted. This finding guided the recent effort to update the sage grouse conservation plan. The new sage grouse plan replaces the 1997 plan and incorporates significant new information. It also provides the overarching scientific and management framework within which the completed local working group plans will nest. The plan includes: - Guidance for local working groups. - Background information and resources regarding sage grouse and sagebrush ecology. - A summary of the status of sage grouse populations and habitat in Idaho. - Identification, discussion and a statewide prioritization of 19 threats to sage grouse and their habitats. - A toolbox of conservation measures to address each of those threats. - Research, monitoring and evaluation guidelines and recommendations. Printed copies of the plan are available for review at all Fish and Game offices and other selected public locations (a complete list is on the web site noted above). The plan is also available on CD through the Wildlife Bureau at Fish and Game headquarters. For more information, contact Tom Hemker or Paul Makela in the Fish and Game Wildlife Bureau at 208-334-2920.