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Idaho Fish and Game

Double Bad Luck, Poachers Nabbed In Rexburg Burglary Raid!

REXBURG - On December 2nd, when Madison County Sheriff's Officers raided a home in Rexburg, they expected to find ill gotten gains, but not of the four-legged variety. In addition to various other stolen property, the raid just happened to have interrupted the butchering of a trophy elk that had been taken illegally just the night before! Swift justice by Judge Rammell saw that the main offender, Derrik Furniss of Rexburg, was in jail and serving a ninety-day sentence for the poaching of elk, even before the burglary case made it to trial! According to Senior Conservation Officer Justin Williams who investigated the case along with Senior Conservation Officer Bruce Penske, "They confessed to have gone out the night before to do some mud bogging. When they came across the bull elk they decided to poach it. They used a spotlight and rifle that were already in the vehicle." The elk that was poached scored 334 on the Boone & Crockett scale, making it a trophy animal. The penalties levied against Furniss and his accomplices were by no means light. Derrik Furniss was fined $1,000 dollars, $2,500 civil penalty, and a $175 processing fee. Additionally, he received a 5-year license revocation and was prohibited from associating with any form of hunting. He was also given 180 days in jail, with 90 days served immediately! His friend, Josh Jarvis received the same jail sentence, along with a 6-year license revocation and prohibition. His also paid $1,000 in fines and was given a $750 civil penalty along with a $175 processing fee. A related juvenile was also involved in the incident, but his penalties were by no means minor. He received a $300 fine, $750 civil penalty, and a $175 in processing fee. He also received a 2-year license suspension with the same no association provision. He may get back one year if he exhibits good behavior. He was placed on 2 years probation and 90 days of juvenile detention at the courts discretion. Lest anyone forget how the whole story started, Derrick Furniss recently pled guilty to the original charges of grand theft and was sentenced $560 in fines, 3 years probation and 120 days jail at the judges discretion. Josh Jarvis has been arraigned, but is awaiting sentencing.