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Idaho Fish and Game

Cow Elk To Be Captured and Radio-Collared

LEWISTON - As part of Idaho Department of Fish and Game's (IDFG) efforts to understand the many factors influencing elk populations in the Clearwater Region, biologists will capture and radio-collar 30 cow elk along the Lochsa and North Fork of the Clearwater rivers in early March. Using an immobilizing dart fired from a helicopter, IDFG plans to capture 15 adult cows in Unit 12 and another 15 elk in Unit 10. After immediately being restrained and blindfolded to reduce stress, the captured animals will be aged, radio-collared, tested for pregnancy and the overall body condition will be evaluated. Capture and handling times are kept as short as possible to minimize stress. These animals will then be monitored periodically to determine overall movements and survival. With this information, biologists hope to develop a better understanding of the factors that influence elk recruitment and mortality so the Department can better manage elk populations.