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Idaho Fish and Game

Cow Elk To Be Captured And Radio-Collared

LEWISTON - - As part of Idaho Department of Fish and Game's efforts to understand the many factors influencing elk populations in the Clearwater Region, IDFG will capture and evaluate 30 cow elk on the Lochsa and South Fork of the Clearwater River the next few weeks. Using a dart-gun fired from a helicopter, IDFG plans to capture 15 adult cows in Big Game Management Unit 15 and another 15 elk in units 10 and 12. After immediately being restrained and blindfolded to reduce stress, the captured animals will be aged, radio-collared, tested for pregnancy and the overall body condition will be evaluated. Capture and handling times are kept as short as possible to minimize stress. The cows will be monitored during winter aerial surveys. By analyzing the mathematical relationship between the total number of radio-collared cows to the total number of cows observed during the aerial surveys with and without collars, IDFG can better assess the precision of elk population estimates. Upon release, the elk will become part of a study investigating factors affecting herd productivity and survival. This information will provide an important piece of the puzzle that will direct future efforts to maintain Idaho's elk populations.