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Idaho Fish and Game

Commission Wants Change in Grizzly Plan

Meeting in Boise Nov. 30, the Idaho Fish and Game enumerated its concerns with and suggestions for the draft Grizzly Bear Management Plan proposed by the Grizzly Bear Delisting Advisory Team. The plan would guide management of the bears in Idaho after they are removed from the Endangered Species list. Fish and Game Director Rod Sando will work with the Advisory Team to expeditiously consider the Commission's concerns. The Commission listed several concerns, most important among them the potentially major increased costs to Fish and Game for monitoring, handling problem bears, paying depredation costs, evaluating habitat and other management functions. Funds from sales of tags and licenses for other species and the programs such funds support could be impacted for grizzly management if other funding is not made available. Another major item in the draft is that it did not spell out clearly that Fish and Game would have the authority to fully manage the species as it does other wildlife in Idaho. Following review by the Advisory Team, the plan will be returned for action by the Department and Commission.