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Idaho Fish and Game

Commission Releases Bighorn Tags for Auction and Lottery

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission, during their meeting July 22 and 23, released two bighorn sheep tags, one to be auctioned and one for a lottery. The lottery tag went to the Idaho Chapter of the Wild Sheep Foundation, formerly the Foundation for North American Wild Sheep, and the auction tag went to Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife-Idaho. The two groups will market the tags as fund raisers, with the proceeds going to help bighorn sheep research and habitat. The groups keep only enough to cover their expenses - or no more than 5 percent of the money raised by the auction and 25 percent by the lottery. This is the first year when a group other than the Sheep Foundation has submitted a proposal for a tag auction and a lottery. Commissioners selected the proposals they felt would bring the most money for the benefit and enhancement of bighorn sheep in Idaho.