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Idaho Fish and Game

Commission Endorses Craig Mountain Land Exchange

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission has instruced managers to further pursue a land exchange that would add acreage to the Craig Mountain Wildlife Management Area. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game would give the Idaho Department of Lands 3,108 acres in exchange for 5,653 acres in the Craig Mountain area. The department's net gain would be more than 2400 acres. According to habitat biologist Kathy Cousins, the exchange would increase access for the public, improve habitat for wildlife, and save the department money. Among the acreage to be acquired by Fish and Game would be land surrounding four miles of class-one stream habitat and 48 acres of old-growth forest. The acquisition also includes unique and declining grassland habitats that will now be managed by the department. In addition, 8,000 acres in the Captain John watershed will now be more accessible to the public. The land that Fish and Game would deed to the Idaho Department of Lands is difficult to manage because it borders grazing land and has experienced degradation in wildlife habitat. Managers estimate the cost to continue responsible management of that land would be $60,000 to $80,000. The estimated cost to manage the newly acquired acreage would be just more than $13,000 resulting in a cost savings to the department of $47,000 to $67,000.