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Idaho Fish and Game

Commission Approves Whitetail Plan Goals

Meeting in Boise January 22, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission approved statewide and management area goals for a revision of the white-tailed deer plan. The current white-tailed deer management plan, adopted in 1998, established management guidelines and objectives for north of the Salmon River. Because statewide populations have increased and a number of management issues have surfaced including depredations, some sportsmen's concern for buck quality, hunter mobility, and trespass/access issues, the Department began plan revision efforts in April 2003. Statewide management goals as proposed and approved include: 1) White-tailed deer will be managed for their unique characteristics and important significance as one of Idaho's wildlife resources. 2) White-tailed deer populations will be maintained under natural conditions in suitable habitat. 3) White-tailed deer populations will be managed to minimize depredation problems and disease occurrence. 4) IDFG will not actively encourage expansion of white-tailed deer in southern Idaho. However, whitetails will be managed in suitable habitats in southern Idaho where substantial overlap with mule deer does not occur. 5) IDFG will strive to provide a diversity of hunting opportunity including: long seasons, concurrent deer and elk hunting, either-sex hunting and maintaining a reasonable opportunity for mature bucks. 6) IDFG will explore opportunities to implement management for higher percentages of mature bucks in some areas. 7) IDFG will work with landowners to improve general public hunting access to private land. 8) General white-tailed deer hunting seasons will be managed to minimize hunter crowding and maintain flexibility in available hunting locations. 9) Private landowners and land management agencies will be encouraged to accommodate habitat requirements for white-tailed deer. 10) IDFG will develop a better understanding of white-tailed deer populations throughout the state. 11) IDFG will improve monitoring for disease in white-tailed deer. With public involvement, Fish and Game staff is currently developing management goals for antlered harvest, antlerless harvest, percentage of four-point or better and percent of five point or better bucks in the harvest. Staff will scope a proposal with the public that splits harvest management of white-tailed deer and mule deer through the use of separate species tags. Earliest possible implementation would be December 2004.