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Idaho Fish and Game

Comment Sought on Bonneville Cutthroat Trout Plan

A draft management plan for conservation of Bonneville cutthroat trout in Idaho is now available for public review and comment. The purpose of the draft plan is to review relevant biology, describe current status, identify potential factors affecting status, and provide a prioritized list of strategies that will conserve native Bonneville cutthroat trout in Idaho. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is seeking public comment on the plan, available at the Fish and Game Website at, by October 19. The historic range of Bonneville cutthroat trout covers parts of Idaho, Wyoming, Utah and Nevada. About 14 percent, or 899 miles, of the historical river and stream habitat occurs in Idaho. In Idaho, Bonneville cutthroat trout occupy an estimated 63 percent, or 565 miles, of the historically available river and stream habitat. Bonneville cutthroat trout status for the remaining Idaho streams was classified as 30 percent unknown, 6 percent extirpated, and 1 percent non-fish bearing. Conservation strategies focus on preserving genetic integrity, reducing impacts of non-native fish, improving degraded habitat, and enhancing self-sustaining populations. The report concludes with an action plan of prioritized conservation measures that will contribute to the long-term persistence and enhancement of Bonneville cutthroat trout populations in Idaho. For information or a copy of the plan, contact Scott A. Grunder, native species coordinator, by phone at 208-287-2774 or fax at 208-334-2114, or by e-mail at