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Idaho Fish and Game

Clearwater, Salmon, Little Salmon Closed to Chinook Fishing

The Clearwater River main stem, and the North Fork, Middle Fork and South Fork Clearwater and the Snake River downstream of Hells Canyon Dam will close to Chinook salmon fishing at the end of fishing August 5. The South Fork Salmon River closed to fishing for Chinook salmon at the end of fishing hours Thursday, July 19. And the Lower Salmon River and the Little Salmon River closed to Chinook fishing at the end of fishing hours Sunday, July 15. But some waters are still open to Chinook fishing. Open until further notice, with a daily limit of four Chinook salmon, only two of which may be adults, and a possession limit of 12 fish, only six of which may be adults, are the:
  • Upper Salmon River - Ellis Area: From the posted boundary about 100 yards upstream of the mouth of the Pahsimeroi River upstream to the Highway 75 Salmon River bridge about 250 yards upstream of the mouth of the East Fork Salmon River.
  • Upper Salmon River - Stanley: From the Highway 75 Salmon River bridge about 250 yards upstream of the mouth of the East Fork Salmon River upstream to the posted boundary about 100 yards downstream of the weir and trap at Sawtooth Hatchery south of Stanley.
The statewide season limit is 20 adult salmon during any 2012 salmon seasons occurring before September 1, 2012. Salmon seasons and limits may change on short notice, please check the salmon hotline at 855-287-2702 or the online salmon seasons and limits page at: