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Idaho Fish and Game

Chukar Surveys Indicate Numbers Up This Year

A survey of chukar partridge conducted by Idaho Department of Fish and Game biologists along the Snake and Salmon rivers indicates the region's hunters may find more of the popular gamebirds this fall. The mid-August helicopter survey of portions of the lower Salmon River and lower Snake River recorded a 58 percent increase in chukar numbers along the Salmon and an 82 percent increase on the Snake. These one-year increases are based on the previous year's survey data. With the results looking promising, Fish and Game wildlife biologist Jim White expects hunters to have plenty of opportunities of harvesting some of the strong flying birds. "It appears over-winter survival was good and it remained good throughout the summer," White said. "Depending on local conditions, hunters should see more chukars this fall." Chukars were brought to the United States from their native India in 1893. The first 100 released into Idaho were hatched at an IDFG game farm in Lapwai in 1933.