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Idaho Fish and Game

Chukar Count Up 10 Percent

The annual aerial survey of chukar along Brownlee Reservoir buoys the hopes of bird hunters for the upcoming season. The survey showed 138 chukar per square mile in the 12-mile area that is flown each year in August. That is 10.1 percent up from 124 birds in last year's count. The 10-year average is 107 chukar per square mile. The total of birds seen was 1,656, compared to 1,488 last year and approaching the 1,724 count of 2001. Since the counts began, the highest in any year was 2,652 before the legendary hunting season of 1987, making this year's number the third highest on record. Fighting continuing forest fires has kept most helicopters in Idaho busy, so Fish and Game has not been able to lease aircraft for chukar counts in other areas so far this August. Chukar and gray partridge as well as quail and sage grouse hunting seasons begin September 20.