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Idaho Fish and Game

Chinook Headed For Limited Idaho Season

So far none have crossed the Bonneville Dam on the lower Columbia River, but spring Chinook salmon are heading for Idaho, Idaho Fish and Game fishery managers say. The numbers still are uncertain but it appears that a limited salmon season, similar to last year, will be likely, Fishery Program Coordinator Bill Horton told the Idaho Fish and Game Commission during their recent big game season-setting meeting in Boise. "We did have a fishery based on similar numbers last year," Horton told commissioners. "We anticipate a fishery this year as well." Salmon managers anticipate 46,200 Chinook will head up the mouth of the Columbia River-down from the 2005 return of 51,400. They forecast that a few more will cross Lower Granite Dam than last year, or about 33,900, up from 32,800 last year. The increase is from more wild fish expected to return. The breakdown is about 22,900 hatchery fish and 11,000 wild fish. Last year the same number of hatchery fish showed up, but only 9,900 wild fish. About 10,800 are expected to return to hatcheries on the Clearwater and Salmon Rivers. Fishery managers, however, need actual dam counts to set spring Chinook seasons and limits. Officials expect to have that information by mid-April for a telephone conference call to set seasons. Fish and Game officials also are working on a new fishery management plan for 2007 through 2012, State Fishery Manager Steve Yundt told commissioners. The current plan runs out this year. The plan forms a guideline for fishery management in drainages throughout the state, and Fish and Game is soliciting comments from anglers and hopes to complete the new plan by November for Commission review. Salmon Forecast by the Numbers: Estimate location 2006 2005 Columbia River mouth: 46,200 51,400 Lower Granite Dam: 33,900 32,800 - Hatchery 22,900 22,900 - Wild 11,000 9,900