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Idaho Fish and Game

Chinook Fishing Opens April 20

Salmon anglers can fish for hatchery chinook in Idaho beginning April 20. Meeting by telephone conference call Wednesday, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission approved department proposals for 2002 chinook fishing. The Commission approved the department proposals unanimously with Commissioners John Burns and Dr. Fred Wood absent. Fisheries managers expect this year's run into Idaho to be considerably below last year's record run of hatchery chinook but still high enough to allow seasons much like last year. Anadromous fisheries manager Sharon Kiefer told the Commission this year's lesser run is reflected in lower limits. She noted that she should have more definite run numbers by next week, but the sport fishery below Bonneville Dam is currently indicating a strong run of chinook. Fishing is for hatchery chinook only. Anglers may keep only chinook with a clipped adipose fin (the top fin just in front of the tail). Fish that have adipose fins must be returned to the water immediately. New for this year, there will be an experimental fishery on the lower Snake River. Anglers should consult rules brochures, which will be available from vendors as well as Fish and Game offices. Fishing waters, dates and limits (daily, possession and season) are as follows: Clearwater River Drainage Mainstem Clearwater River Open April 20; Close August 4; Limits 2/6/20. North Fork Clearwater River Open April 20; Close August 4; Limits 2/6/20. Middle Fork Clearwater River Open April 20; Close August 4; Limits 2/6/20. South Fork Clearwater River Open April 20; Close August 4; Limits 2/6/20. Snake River Lower Snake River Open April 25; Close May 19, Thursday through Sunday fishing days; Limits 1/3/20. Hells Canyon of Snake River Open April 25; Close August 4; Limits 1/3/20. Salmon River Drainage Lower Salmon River Open April 25, Close June 16; Limits 2/6/20. Little Salmon River Open April 25; Close August 4; Limits 2/6/20. Clearwater Drainage Lochsa River Open May 25; Close August 4; Limits 2/6/20 Boundaries Lower Snake River: From the Southway Bridge at Lewiston upstream approximately 23 miles to the concrete boat ramp at Heller Bar. Hells Canyon of Snake River: From Dug Bar boat ramp (about six miles upstream from Imnaha River) upstream to Hells Canyon Dam. Mainstem Clearwater River: From the Railroad Bridge at Lewiston upstream to the confluence of South Fork Clearwater River and Middle Fork Clearwater River (excluding the perimeter of Dworshak National Fish hatchery at Ahsahka). North Fork Clearwater River: From its mouth upstream to Dworshak Dam (excluding the perimeter of Dworshak National Fish Hatchery at Ahsahka). Middle Fork Clearwater River: From the confluence with the South Fork of the Clearwater River upstream to the confluence of the Selway and Lochsa Rivers. South Fork Clearwater River: From its mouth upstream to the confluence with American and Red Rivers. Lochsa River: From its mouth upstream to the twin bridges immediately upstream of the confluence of Colt Killed and Crooked Fork Creeks, including those sections of Crooked Fork and Colt Killed Creeks downstream of the twin bridges. Lower Salmon River: From the Hammer Creek Boat Ramp upstream to a posted line at the mouth of the Little Salmon River. Little Salmon River: From the mouth of the Little Salmon River upstream to the U.S. Highway 95 bridge near Smokey Boulder Road. Clearwater Special Restrictions Mainstem and North Fork - Fishing from the shoreline along the perimeter of Dworshak National Fish Hatchery is prohibited. Fishing from any watercraft or wading is prohibited between a posted line about 150 yards upstream from the mouth of the North Fork Clearwater River to the Ahsahka Highway Bridge. Special Rules Only hatchery chinook with a clipped adipose fin, as evidenced by a healed scar, may be kept. All salmon with a non-clipped adipose fin must be immediately released. It is unlawful to fish in any waters while having fish in possession which violate rules for those waters. It is not legal to have chinook in the field or in transit from which the head or tail has been removed. Fishing is allowed only from one-half hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset, local time. Methods of Take Chinook may be taken only with barbless hooks. It is unlawful to use any hook larger than 5/8 inch from point to shank. Fishing is prohibited after limits are taken. In the Lochsa River, chinook may only be taken with artificial flies and lures with one barbless hook per fly or lure (no bait).