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Idaho Fish and Game

Checkoff for Wildlife

As Idahoans begin to think about filing their taxes, they might think of some of their friends that make life in Idaho more interesting. Taxpayers can check off the square on their Idaho tax forms to donate any amount of their refund to nongame wildlife programs administered by Fish and Game. Other Fish and Game programs aimed at game animals and fish are funded through the sale of licenses and tags to hunters and anglers. No general taxes go to either game or nongame programs. Nongame programs include conservation, education and wildlife-related recreation. Examples of nongame wildlife projects include producing popular educational publications, doing surveys and research on nongame wildlife species and publishing the new Idaho Wildlife Viewing Guide. Better information on the status and distribution of these species aids wildlife management efforts and can help protect wildlife species and their habitats before they decline to the point of being listed under the federal Endangered Species Act. Besides the checkoff, the major source of funding for nongame programs is through the sale of the distinctive bluebird, cutthroat trout and elk license plates.