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Idaho Fish and Game

Check-Off For Wildlife On Your Idaho Tax Return

Every evening when I arrive home with thoughts of relaxing and playing with the kids, I see the box full of W-2's, 1040 forms and instructions, mortgage interest statements, receipts and who knows what else. That dreadful box of tax information sits in the corner, waiting patiently for me to at the least begin tax preparation. The feelings of guilt begin to set once again I think tonight isn=t a good night to dive in. The new computer tax programs have helped, but it is still a chore. While calculating taxes is a burden, it must be done sooner or later. We would all probably feel better about the whole process if we felt we had more to say in how our dollars are spent after we sign on the bottom line. It comes as a surprise to most people that the Idaho Department of Fish and Game is not supported by income tax, property tax, or sales tax. The agency is funded through license and tag sales to hunters and fishermen, and excise taxes on hunting and fishing equipment. Only those who choose to use wildlife in these ways must contribute to the management of wildlife. There are, however, people who contribute to wildlife programs through voluntary contributions on their Idaho state income tax forms. These contributions are spent to benefit non-game wildlife... those species which are not hunted, hooked or trapped. Taxpayers can either deduct the amount they donate from their tax refund, or add it to tax payments. The amount donated is up to the individual taxpayer. Although nongame wildlife makes up 80 percent of all Idaho wildlife species, the Fish and Game Department spends nearly all of its income on game species because hunters and anglers provide the funds to manage wildlife. Contributing to the nongame wildlife checkoff is a way for all Idahoans, whether they are hunters, anglers or wildlife watchers (or a combination of all three) to help provide for the wildlife they enjoy. Voluntary contributions through the nongame tax checkoff are used to fund a variety of projects including research on nongame species, nursing home bird feeding projects, wildlife viewing site development, Awatchable wildlife@ educational programs, etc.. In general, the contributions help manage nongame species through gaining a better understanding of their habitats and life cycles, or through education which expands public appreciation of and knowledge about the nongame wildlife resources in the state. Idaho's expanding population increases strains on nongame wildlife and their habitats. Contributing to the tax checkoff is a way for all Idahoans to help biologists understand the particular needs of nongame species, and hopefully prevent the need to list additional species as endangered. Other ways to help the nongame and watchable wildlife programs in Idaho include voluntary donations to the Nongame Wildlife Trust Fund, P.O. Box 25, Boise, Id. 83707, and by purchasing the special Bluebird Wildlife License Plate for motor vehicles. Tax checkoff funds for wildlife have fallen off significantly in recent years as several other checkoff programs have been added to the tax form. When the program started in the early 1980s, it raised about $90,000 annually. The figure has stabilized around $40,000 in the last five years. This year when you prepare your state income tax form, consider giving a donation to benefit nongame wildlife. That way you can contribute to the well being of Idaho=s wildlife and have a direct say in how some of your money will be used!