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Idaho Fish and Game

Check-Off For Nongame Wildlife

LEWISTON - The Idaho Department of Fish and Game encourages wildlife enthusiasts for continued support by donating to the Nongame Wildlife Check-Off on the 2001 state income tax forms. Check-Off donations support nongame wildlife like songbirds, birds of prey, small mammals, amphibians and reptiles, while at the same time contributing to programs that help everyone enjoy all wildlife. Donations to the program do more that just preserve the majority of non-hunted, fished, or trapped wildlife species, said Rita Dixon, nongame biologist based in Lewiston. "The Nongame program also supports appreciative uses like viewing, interpretive education and photography, for all wildlife, including species that are game animals," she said. While most department funds come in the form of license and tag fees from hunters and anglers, or from federal excise taxes on sporting equipment, most non-game funding comes from the voluntary tax form check-off, wildlife license plate purchases and direct donations. Look for the Wildlife Conservation Fund box on Idaho income tax forms to direct donations from your refund to the nongame program. In addition, donations to the program are accepted any time of year. Other ways to help: give to the Nongame Wildlife Trust Fund, P.O. Box 25, Boise, ID 83707; and purchase Elk or Bluebird wildlife license plates for motor vehicles registered in Idaho at your county vehicle licensing office. Tax check-off funds for wildlife have fallen off severely in recent years as several other check-off programs have been added to the tax form. When the program started in the early 1980s, it raised about $90,000 annually. The figure has stabilized around $40,000 in the last six years. To learn more about nongame program activities visit the Department's web site at