Get those fishing poles ready. Saturday, June 11 is Idaho’s Free Fishing Day and the Idaho Fish and Game invites anglers, residents and nonresidents, to celebrate the day by fishing without a license.
Lack of fishing experience is no excuse. Fishing equipment will be available for use, and experts will be on hand to help novice anglers learn the joys of fishing at two local events:
- Salmon, Kids Creek Pond, 8 a.m. to noon
- Stanley, Sawtooth Kids Pond, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Though fishing license requirements are suspended for this special day, all other rules, such as limits or tackle restrictions, remain in effect.
Both locations will be stocked with hatchery rainbow trout prior to the special day. Single-parent families are encouraged to attend and all children must be accompanied by an adult. While a limited number of rods and reels will be available for use during the events, participants are encouraged to bring their own equipment if possible.
If you are new to fishing, visit Fish and Game’s Learn to Fish webpage for basic fishing tips, nearby places to go, fishing events, seasons and rules, and more.