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Idaho Fish and Game

California man wins bighorn sheep tag in lottery


John M. Taylor of Arroyo Grande, California was the lucky winner of a hunting tag from the 25th Annual Bighorn Sheep tag lottery drawing July 26 at Idaho Fish and Game Headquarters. The tag is offered under a partnership between Idaho Wild Sheep Foundation (WSF) and Idaho Fish and Game.

The Idaho Wild Sheep Foundation has been hosting the bighorn lottery since 1992 with the proceeds going back to Fish and Game to solve problems between bighorn sheep and domestic sheep, to solve problems between wildlife and domestic animals, or to improve relationships between sportsmen and private landowners.

This year’s lottery raised $83,135. Over the past 25 years, more than $1.6 million dollars has been raised through the lottery.

The winning ticket was drawn from the pool by Nicole Bilodeau. Nicole is a graduate student doing her thesis on bighorn sheep and has been working with Idaho Fish and Game on sheep counts in Idaho.

Idaho Wild Sheep Foundation is a non-profit organization formed to enhance wild sheep populations in Idaho, and with partners in adjacent states, for public enjoyment, education, fair-chase hunting, and to promote professional wildlife management and protect sportsmen's rights.

Idaho Wild Sheep Foundation was founded in 1982 by two dozen concerned sportsmen who wanted to “put more bighorns on Idaho’s mountains.” From that core group, many of which are still very active, the organization has grown to a thriving group with over 300 committed members.

For more information, contact Terri Ottens at the Idaho WSF office, (208) 345-6171 or visit their website at