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Idaho Fish and Game

Bluebirds Arriving In Idaho, Nest Boxes Available

Two species of bluebirds live in Idaho: the western bluebird and the mountain bluebird, our state bird. The mountain bluebird is larger than the western and both are slightly smaller than robins. The male mountain bluebird has a very bright back and is pale blue below. The female is mostly gray with a trace of blue on the wings and tail. The western bluebird is less brightly colored and males and females both have rust on the breast. Thoreau referred to the mountain bluebird as the "bird with the sky on it's back" due to the brilliant color they exhibit when the sunlight is refracted as it strikes their feathers. Bluebirds live throughout Idaho in high desert juniper and mahogany, in forest meadows, and in valleys and on ridges in mountainous regions. They are more common in elevations of 4,000 feet and higher, however, many inhabit the lower elevations found in northern Idaho. Bluebirds are ground feeders with grasshoppers a dietary favorite. Therefore, while we may not view them as such, they are primarily predatory in their feeding habits. The bluebird's bill is not suited for creating nest cavities, so they make their nests in existing cavities excavated by woodpeckers or other animals. Nests are lined with grass, fine strips of bark and pine needles. Bluebirds return to Idaho from their wintering grounds by late February or early March and seek tree cavities for nesting. Since many trees with suitable nesting holes have been cut for firewood, cleared to make way for development or have been occupied by non-native starlings or house sparrows, some bluebirds do not nest because they do not find suitable homes. Man-made nest boxes help to fill the shortage of natural nest sites. Many Idahoans have already discovered the fun and satisfaction of building, placing and monitoring bluebird nest boxes. The Panhandle Region office of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) has long been involved in coordinating the construction and distribution of bluebird nest boxes. IDFG Reservists and volunteers have worked together annually to produce as many as 1000 boxes a year for people wanting to provide our native, state bird (and its cousin) with a place to nest and raise young. This year, Stimson Lumber has again provided a generous donation of cedar stock to build bluebird nest boxes. Reservists spent a day two weeks ago cutting out parts. Last Friday, they assembled 1000 boxes now available at the Idaho Fish and Game Department office, 2750 Kathleen Ave. in Coeur d'Alene. On Saturday March 27, IDFG Reservists will be selling boxes around the Panhandle Region from 8am until 2 pm. Boxes will be available in Silver Valley (Enaville Resort), St. Maries (IGA), Hope (Trestle Creek RV Park), Sandpoint (Leo Hadley Shooting Range, Lake St.), and Bonners Ferry (Safeway parking lot). We are asking for a donation of $5 for each box to benefit the Wildlife Education Resources Program which provides wildlife education programs to students and adults in the Panhandle. Programs are presented to over 5,000 school children annually teaching them about wild animals and their habitat needs. Funds are also used to improve the exhibits at the North Idaho Wildlife Education Center at the North Idaho Fairgrounds. We also have a pamphlet called "Building Homes for Idaho's Bluebirds" available free of charge. This contains plans for constructing boxes and very good information about how and where to place boxes so they are likely to successfully produce bluebirds. Other advice is given on how to monitor and maintain boxes for future years. Nest boxes have the greatest likelihood of being used the first year if placed no later than early April, so pick this publication up as soon as possible if you plan to build your own boxes. However, because bluebirds may move into boxes as late as mid-May, placement by then could allow boxes to still be used this year. One problem' some people have had with the boxes is that aggressive swallows inhabit the boxes before bluebirds occupy them. Leave the swallows alone, as they are great insect controllers. Then place another bluebird box very close to the box containing the swallows. Swallows are territorial, and they will keep all other swallows out of the second box. They will not try to keep bluebirds out, and hopefully, in short order, a pair of bluebirds will take a liking to the home you have provided. In the end you get to enjoy watching both swallows and bluebirds.