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Idaho Fish and Game

Bluebird Nest Boxes Available

LEWISTON - To greet the early spring arrival of Idaho's State Bird, the Mountain Bluebird, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game is offering a limited number of bluebird nest boxes for a fee of $5.00. All funds received are used to purchase additional project materials and enhance the Lewiston Wildlife Habitat Area located near the IDFG office. Materials for the sturdy, cedar nest boxes was donated from Potlatch Lumber Inc., and constructed by IDFG Wildlife Reservist, Tom Partington of Moscow. Discovering the fun and satisfaction that comes from building nest houses, Partington has built several hundred nest boxes the past few years. "I've always enjoyed wildlife and being outdoors," says Partington. "Volunteering allows me to do it all, plus do something meaningful for wildlife." Bluebirds nest throughout Idaho in higher elevation meadows, forested areas and open ridges in mountainous regions. However, many trees with suitable nesting holes have been cut for firewood or taken by aggressive non-native species like the European starling and house sparrow, so many bluebirds never find nest sites. Man-made nest houses can help fill the natural nest-site shortage. Because bluebirds seldom nest in urban areas, boxes should be placed far from any building or community. In urban areas, bluebird nest boxes are likely to attract highly aggressive bluebird competitors such as starlings or house sparrows. Bluebirds are territorial, so boxes should be placed at least 100 yards apart. Protect boxes from prevailing winds and the hot afternoon sun by mounting them on the north or east side of mounting posts or trees. For more information on Idaho's bluebirds or volunteering for IDFG, please contact the Clearwater Region Office, 1540 Warner Ave., Lewiston, 83501, 799-5010.