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Idaho Fish and Game

Bluebird Conservation Program Offered In Jerome

JEROME - Idaho's state bird, the mountain bluebird, needs your help. And to get involved with the South Idaho Mountain Bluebird Association (SIMBA) is not only a worthwhile conservation effort, it is also fun! For years this small group of south central Idaho bluebird lovers has posted quite an impressive record for bluebird box construction, trail establishment and box monitoring. Currently there are approximately a dozen SIMBA members who annually check their bluebird box routes for current use and production. In 2002 a total of 221 boxes were available for bluebirds to use in the Magic Valley Region through SIMBAĆ„'s dedication. Many more are needed in order for this beautiful and inspiring species to survive and thrive. Bluebirds are cavity nesters, and without natural holes to nest in, their populations decline. That is where bluebird box builders, trail makers and box monitors come in to play. On Friday evening, Feb. 21, a program on bluebird conservation, box design, trail establishment and monitoring will be given by SIMBA members at the Jerome Library at 7 p.m. There will be a short video on the subject, presentations by seasoned bluebirders, and door prizes. Locally and nationally, the success stories of this conservation effort are many, but much still needs to be done. Large areas of suitable habitat could potentially support bluebirds, if they had an abundance of the nest boxes these birds require. Please come out to learn more about how you can help. Admission is free. The Jerome Public Library is located at 100 1st Ave. East.