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Idaho Fish and Game

Biologists predict great upland bird season for the Magic Valley Region

JEROME - A wet spring and warm, dry weather during the hatch has helped produce one of the best crops of upland game birds the Magic Valley Region has seen in several years. "2004 was one of the best bird hunting seasons in many years. The harvest of blue grouse, sage-grouse, chukar, and quail exceeded long-term averages," said Randy Smith, Fish and Game Regional Wildlife Manager. "According to recent surveys, bird hunting should be very good again this fall. August counts suggest substantial increases in several bird species compared to last year." Bird hunters will be able reap the benefits this weekend with many of the bird seasons opening. Here is the forecast and season dates for many of the game birds in the region. Sage grouse Area 2 (south of Snake River), Sept. 17 through Sept. 23; Daily bag limit: 1, Possession limit after first day: 2. Area 3: (north of Snake River) Sept. 17 through Oct. 9; Daily bag limit: 2; Possession limit after first day: 4. Sage-grouse populations in the Magic Valley have had an increasing trend over the past 11 years. Lek surveys suggest grouse populations have roughly doubled since 1994. In 2005, lek counts increased 20 percent from 2004 surveys. Improved habitat conditions resulting from spring precipitation has resulted in high survival of grouse broods. In 2004, the Magic Valley Region accounted for 41 percent of Idaho's sage grouse hunters and 39 percent of the harvest. Grouse numbers are strongest where extensive stands of sagebrush still exist - Magic Reservoir to Thorn Creek, Paddleford Flat to Laidlaw Park, Browns Bench, and Shoshone Basin. Chukar Area 3, Sept. 17 through Dec. 31 Daily bag limit: 8; Possession limit after first day: 16. Wide annual fluctuations in chukar numbers is common, the Magic Valley has enjoyed three consecutive good chukar years (2002, 2003, & 2004) and 2005 is looking to be another good year. August 2005 surveys at Brownlee Reservoir revealed the highest chukar density in the past 20 years. Field reports indicate very good chukar numbers in the Bruneau/Jarbidge canyons. Hunting prospects in northern Nevada are also good this year. Gray partridge Sept. 17 through Dec. 31 Daily bag limit: 8; Possession limit after first day: 16. Hun numbers in the intensively farmed areas of the Magic Valley appear to have increased substantially from 2004. The number of huns observed on August 2005 surveys increased 174 percent compared to 2004. The 2005 index of 0.35 birds per mile is more than double the 10-year average of 0.16 birds per mile. In 1996, the last really good hun year, 0.41 birds per mile were observed and hunters harvested over 22,000 huns in the Magic Valley. During the past 10 years, hun harvest has average about 9,000 birds. . California quail Area 3, Sept. 17 through Dec. 31 Area 2, daily bag limit: 10 of any kind; Possession limit after first day: 20 of any kind. Quail numbers have also increased this year relative to 2004. The number of quail observed on August 2005 surveys increased 83 percent from 2004. That is more than double of the 10-year average. In the Magic Valley Region, quail numbers are highest along the Snake River and its tributaries west of Twin Falls. Sharp-tailed grouse Area 2, Oct. 1 through Oct. 31 Daily bag limit: 2; Possession limit after first day: 4. Lek surveys suggest sharp-tailed grouse numbers have remained relatively stable during the past three years, but are still lower than numbers in 1999 and 2000. Improved habitat conditions from spring rains have likely resulted in good chick survival. Hunters should find more birds in Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) fields this year because of improved forb growth. In 2003 and 2004, drought conditions resulted in localized early movements of sharpies up into mountain shrub communities and to areas where green forbs could still be found. Pheasants Area 2, Minidoka and Cassia counties east, Oct. 15 to Nov. 30 Area 3, remainder of Southwest Idaho, Oct. 15 to Dec. 31 Daily bag limit: 3 cocks; Possession limit after first day: 6 cocks. Pheasant numbers observed on August 2005 surveys were nearly double the numbers observed in 2004. Roadside surveys averaged 0.42 birds per mile in 2005 compared to 0.22 birds per mile in 2004 and a 10-year average of 0.21 birds per mile. The local alfalfa harvest was delayed slightly in late May and early June by precipitation and resulted in improved nesting success. The highest pheasant numbers were observed in eastern Jerome, Minidoka, western Twin Falls, and Elmore counties. Pheasant stocking will continue at Niagara Springs WMA and at several Wildlife Tracts north of Paul. Ruffed and blue grouse Sept. 1 through Dec. 31 Daily bag limit: 4 in aggregate; Possession limit after first day: 8. Field reports suggest relatively low numbers of ruffed grouse in the South Hills and in the Sublett Mountains. Hunters should look for birds in aspen and mountain shrub habitats near water. Field reports have been mixed on blue grouse abundance in 2005. Early reports indicate that hunters are finding a few birds but numbers are lower than in 2004.